A website is just the beginning. Increasing website leads, and producing a winning internet marketing campaign is a must. With 85% of consumers using the internet to find local businesses, search marketing has become the leading way to generate business online. There is no other advertising method that can place you right in front of your customers, when they need you the most.
Internet Marketing encompasses a wide range of tactics including paid advertising (PPC), SEO, and social media. Regardless of the channel, it is still your message and core offer that pulls buyers in. Crafting a great offer takes extensive research and strategizing, something PPSM Inc has been doing for years. We can help craft, launch, and track your next winning campaign.
Request InformationTake the guessing and busywork out of your social media marketing with our team of bona fide experts! Connect directly with the people likely to engage and purchase from you! Networks covered:
Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Yelp | YouTube
Want to rank highly for specific search terms? You’ll need both onsite work and relevant content curated and targeted specifically to make sure Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines see your site as delivering high value to the searcher. Let PPSM's team of search engine experts will do the work for you!
Driving direct leads in the door with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is a science. Keywords, ad copy, bid strategy, landing page creation and optimization, negative keywords, callout extensions, ad targeting, and so much more are all critical elements of successful PPC campaigns. Turn that work over to the PPC experts at PPSM and watch your direct return on investment grow exponentially!